A N T I C I P A T I N G --- yet trying to live life in the moment

August 02, 2006

I love Michael Knight

Reality TV confession time. After last season I vowed not to watch another lame ass episode of American Idol, except for initial tryouts when whack jobs take off their straight jackets and show up to sing their hearts out. I watched, I watched, I whined, I bitched, I complained and in the end I found happiness when Katherine did not win. Later, when rumor TV outed her as a bulimic, I cheered on the inside, cause I knew, I just sensed - that she was a girl on the verge of eating a dozen cupcakes and that although she proudly sported her D-cups, I could plainly see that once she turned the corner on 21 and reached the more humbling age of 31 she'd be a fat ass. Super shiny hair and teeth of a superior grade white won't console her when she, already a size 12 I presume, ends up a size 16. And as I understand it, binging and purging isn't easy on the teeth... Unless ofcourse she's a laxative junkie variety bulimic --- Nothing I care to discourse on further.

I am not watching the current reality music competition, the one with the rockers... Not a single episode. I know it exists and I'm staying away. My TV watching energies are all being focused on fashion for now - Project Runway.

And, I love Michael Knight.


Anonymous said...

2 words:
Pam MotherF***ingGreer!
I love it!!!

p.s. got engaged a few weeks back but have been soooo busy that i forgot to squeal like a 22 year old in la-la-la-love.

now, 2 questions:what does your calendar look like October 2007?
how do you feel about wearing the same outfit as 6-8 other women? chartreuse taffeta or puce/aubergine organza? ("where the HELL is my chiffon?")

i'll try to call you this weekend to relay all the details & the non-details.


ves said...

So that's how you break the news to me --- ??? One of my nearest, dearest and oldest friends is newly engaged, date set and I have to read it on the comments of this crappy blog? Shameful. Really.

Congrats!!! Would be honored to wear taffeta in your honor.

Call me, xxx