A N T I C I P A T I N G --- yet trying to live life in the moment

August 23, 2006

I asked nicely

This makes 2 times in recent weeks that I asked nicely for something and voila it was mine. The nice folks (folk?) at blog of the day were kind enough to grant me BOTD status for "SMF" my August 22 entry. All this blogging is fun and i enjoy the blah di dah, but I kind of like the thought of someone out there actually reading it vs. me just tap tap tapping away for nada.

Stuff is good. No complaints. I am tan and happy, well rested and relaxed. Things are aligned in a way that I should be ok to start a diet tomorrow so I can be my slim super cutest for my new job. Two tiny acts of kindness directed towards me and I am ready to pay the universe back by being cuter and slimmer and wearing my heels to the office (not my less sexy flats) for at least the first few weeks of my new gig.

Not impressed? No icecream, no pizza, more fruit, no beer... situps and skipping cocktails is plenty of proof that I am a worthy recipient of recent kindnesses directed towards me. I can take a few weeks of healthy living, but any more than that and I am bound to unravel. Any good I may have done will be erased when I turn into a professional grade cranky asshole, deprived of my snacks and naps for
too long.

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