A N T I C I P A T I N G --- yet trying to live life in the moment

June 27, 2007

On becoming a type and joining a club

Went to the movies tonight, saw Broken English, a movie about a 30+ year old woman who although pretty cute and kind of fun can't seem to find a Mr. Right or even Mr. Decent in New York City, population 8,213,800. You could argue the heroine was a little nutty, three quarters into the film she quits her job and goes on a short trip to Paris. Sound familiar? Yeah, it creeped me out too. Am I some standard that has become a movie cliche, the crazy 30+ girl who can't get the boy thing right and thought a few days in Paris would be better than clocking in at the office? Who knows, I did do that same thing just four months ago.

Seriously though, I can't decide if my usual, this date is going nowhere and I don't even like this guy, but perhaps I'll salvage the night by getting some sex out of it routine has become a habit or just a way of making the best of a bad situation, you know, like making lemonade out of lemons, I try to stay upbeat, live in the moment, that sort of thing. Is that so wrong? Would it be better just to end a bad date on a bad note, rather than my happy ending approach? 97% of the guys I date, and I date a lot, are pretty useless, not especially smart or funny, some are cute, some have nice teeth, they tell me date stories, mostly ones I feel I've heard. Have I actually heard everything anyone will ever say, at least 20 times before? I want to hear something new and my next first kiss to be fireworks.

Before I forget, the movie had a lesson, a moral, a drop of wisdom as tiny as the tiniest tear that falls down the cheek of a girl whose date is already 45 minutes late and can't decide whether to pack up and go home or drink another glass of wine alone at the bar, the right bar, on the exact night they agreed to meet. Better check the cell again, perhaps a message he's running late or a text that says, am on my way, nope, no such message. The lesson (?) anyone can have someone in their life, a boyfriend, a husband, a partner, and some unions are special, but most aren't and it's more a matter of settling on someone rather than not being able to attract anyone at all. Suitors line up around corners for me, I promise you that. But none have given me a feeling that they were right or decent or special, or more accurately -- they didn't deserve me, and for that reason alone, I may just find myself outside of the relationship club forever.

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