A N T I C I P A T I N G --- yet trying to live life in the moment

January 27, 2007

Bride of Kong blathers on

I decided to keep the blog up and running and yet somehow can't seem to stand up and report --- feel like the entire world has suddenly turned back on and I am amazed at how much I missed out on last year. Great sex is great but great life is amazing. Had the yummiest shrimp curry at a chicish indian place in tribeca, munched on thai on first ave., sipped a hot chocolate on a beautiful and clear night in New York in front of a cafe waiting for a boy who never showed up - yes, stood up, but not even bothered, did i mention that I hadn't had a cup of cocoa in over a year and had forgotten how sweet and satisfying holding a warm cup on a cool night can be? The world is king kong and I am the tiny woman in it's obsessive grip. I worked hard last week and really contributed to the success of the company where I work. Will higher ups care? Nah. Will friends and lovers and strangers ever know how thoughtful and kind I really am and that Gorilla Life Kong has made this woman a bit wary about leaving herself at risk? I had sex with a virtual stranger last week and felt no shame or anxiety afterwards. I bought the cutest cashmere scarf and it has kept me warm and I love to wrap it around my super cute neck which connects my head to my body.

And finally, before I forget, I got a booty text during daylight hours from a boy asking if I would be available later that (friday) night for an hour.

People make me laugh -- but I make myself cackle, guffaw, roar.

Fuck Fight Type - and blather!!


Anonymous said...

If you’re the bride of Kong, what will the attendants be wearing and will I be in the wedding party?

Now this is the “V” I know & more importantly ADORE!!!
I feel like the worst friend in the world for not calling! Whaddaya say we connect ….err, talk (in a non-sexual, not-a-booty-text kinda way) sometime this week? I miss you & need a good dose of “V”.

Other breaking news: we set the date – finally! Mark your calendar & make plans now to head south around the 20th of october for a truly epic southern shindig. Attendants attire (pour vous, of course!) has been discussed but not nailed down. So much to dish about…. Email me if your # has changed or I’ll hunt you down like the ole bloodhound I can be. Miss you googles!! xxoo, missy

p.s. I think I have the Kiawah beach house sometime in August… maybe we can think about a long girls weekend if you have the vaca-time. m.

ves said...

Finally - the ever so mysterious Missy appears. Must have been the threat of calling Freddie and Sharon to track you down... you are not the sole bloodhound in this friendship. Miss you mucho (that's spanish for a lot).

Already marked down October and August for time to spend in warmer weather with better friends. Call my usual #, nothing has changed. AND maybe you could let me know if nuptials with be in GA or SC?